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16 March 2023



Yianni’s Urus Performante was being wrapped a new colour & we thought it would be a great idea to get people guessing!

We hosted a Facebook Competition for everyone to get the chance to guess what they think the colour of Yianni’s car is going to be and whoever wins will get £100! 

We found it quite interesting seeing everyone’s guesses, commenting colours such as chrome red, rose gold, purple and many more. Overall, quite a few people got close which was Blue and so once Yianni revealed his car to the world, we decided to put all the entries into a wheel. 

With 13 entries, we had one successful winner and it was Romain Al-Hassan! That day we decided to call him & tell him the good news. Romaiz was super thrilled that he had won, especially as many people guessed it correctly too. He was just thankful to win something, as he’s been a member for awhile, especially as he has only one site credit from all our Facebook & Instagram competitions but now he was able to win £100 cash!

Overall, Thank you to everyone who joined our Facebook competition, Keep an eye out for more!

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