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03 April 2024



After Kimberly’s impressive win with us, we caught up with her at Yiannimize HQ to delve into her experience. We were curious about her plans for the cash, and said she's already planning a trip to Italy to visit some family, but mentioned she won’t be spending any money anyway. So the £500 she won can be used for anything she wishes, maybe some holiday shopping!

We asked how many tickets she purchased for the competition, Kimberly mentioned that it was only 1 or 2. She had some real luck leading her to win and was over the moon with the results, especially as she hardly spent anything!

We also wanted to know what Kimberly thinks the reason is on how Yiannimize Competition sets us apart from the rest. It turns out Kimberly finds our app and website very easy to use and get to grips with. She even said her family was shocked on how she managed to win £500 and decided to show her family the Competition website and how great the odds are! 

We hope to see Kimberly back again for more wins!


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