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04 March 2022


We are proud to announce that we have partnered up with Pizza GoGo!

We have recently partnered up with fast-food chain Pizza GoGo in our mission to help give back to Y-Club members.
This has taken form in the multiple Y-Club exclusive giveaways we have done.

Firstly, we gave away a prize of free pizza for the year in the form of 52 vouchers to redeem one free pizza every week for the year. 

Lucky Y-Club member, Alfie Wood, was drawn to be the winner of that competition we ran for two weeks.


In addition to this, we have been sending out Pizza GoGo codes to the entire Y-Club membership base. This allows you to get £10 off your order!

Pizza GoGo has over 100 stores located across the country, allowing all members to benefit from our offers.

We look forward to growing our relationship with Pizza GoGo further and giving more back to Y-Club members.


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