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17 June 2022


£10,000 Winner Left Speechless!

It was another normal day at work for HGV driver, Zach Youngman. After being drawn as The Ultimate Competition winner, Yianni spoke to his wife to plan his surprise, she spoke to his place of work and organised his colleagues to help Yianni surprise Zach.

Arriving back in the yard, everyone was poised and ready for Zach's return. As he pulled back in, Yianni drove out of the shutters in his car, and jumped out with a cheque for a massive £10,000! 

Zach was left absolutely speechless, telling us how much this would help him and his young family, mentioning they had recently had very tough times.

Watch the full video below to see the awesome surprise we were able to plan with his wife and place of work...


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