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Win a Dyson Supersonic Nural Hair Dryer!



Win a Dyson Supersonic Nural Hair Dryer!


Step up your styling game with this Dyson Supersonic Nural hair dryer. With its Scalp Protect mode and smart Nural sensors, it automatically dials down the heat and airflow when it's close to your head. Your scalp stays safe, your hair looks healthy and shiny, and heat damage…forget about it. Even the new and improved attachments are smart. They learn and adapt to your styling habits for a quick, healthy dry without the scorch. And Pause Detect automatically turns off the heat and decreases airflow when you put it down between stylings. Make every day a great hair day.


* This is a guaranteed draw regardless of ticket sales.

The full prize will be given away regardless.

The competition ends on the 13th December

This competition will have 1 winner

See T&C's.


To enter this competition for free, you must first create an account and then send your name, address, date of birth, e-mail address and contact telephone number on a postcard to the Promoter. Free entries must be posted to: Yiannimize Competitions, No.5 The Heights, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0NY and must arrive by the Competition closing date. First or second- class postage must be paid. Postal Entries are limited to one Entry per person to each Competition, each entry is to be submitted individually by postcard. The Entrant must specify which Competition draw they wish to enter. For Competitions a random number/s will be allocated to each free entry by the Promoter. All free entries will be treated in the exact same way as a paid Entries. All free Entries will be processed daily.



Competition Ends In
